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Dried organic apple pomace

Dried organic apple pomace

Fruit intended for dried organic apple pomace comes from certified and controlled organic orchards. Such fruit has a lower content of nitrates and nitrites and pesticide residues, but a higher amount of vitamin C and other vitamins, total sugars, valuable proteins and minerals. Organic methods are described as environmentally friendly. Food from organic farming has a much better health effect than conventional food. The importance and popularity of apples is determined by their nutritional value. In terms of nutritional value, the protein content in dried apple pomace is about 6-7.5%, the crude fibre content is about 20%, the ether extract content is about 2.5%. Currently, great importance is attached to their health-promoting properties. This applies to the so-called bioactive antioxidants. The most important of them are: L-ascorbic acid and polyphenols, including flavonols and anthocyanins. Noteworthy is also the high content of pectins in apple pomace. It is known that pectin has antibacterial, absorbent, antidiarrheal, atherogenic and antihemorrhagic (accelerates blood clotting) properties. The high content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) in dried apple is very important, as it cannot be directly used in the small intestine of humans and animals. The fibre fraction stimulates motor activity in the digestive tract and improves the tension of the intestinal walls and the general condition of the digestive tract mucosa. Fibre, which is a non-absorbed (digestible) substance in the pig’s body, fills the intestines and stimulates the flow of food. This movement is necessary for proper digestion and excretion. In addition, dried apple pomace should be considered a valuable feed product, also due to its high content of minerals.

Frakcja włóknista pobudza aktywność motoryczną w przewodzie pokarmowym i poprawia napięcie ścian jelit oraz ogólny stan błon śluzowych przewodu pokarmowego. Błonnik, będący substancją niewchłanianą (trawioną) w organizmie świni, wypełnia jelita i pobudza przepływ pokarmu. Ruch ten jest niezbędny do prawidłowego trawienia i wydalania. Ponadto susz jabłkowy należy uznać za wartościowy produkt paszowy, także ze względu na dużą zawartość składników mineralnych.

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